ClanAM FFXI is the website for the Clan of the Angry Monkey Linkshell community on the Phoenix server.
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im in...whenever i get to play lol
Footage of Drifter
Luckily, I already have some footage of you from the last time I started. So, even if you can't show up for this one, you will be in the movie at least for a small bit.
Vis Maior's Journeys
hehe but that was probly footage from whm...i want some smn footage of me lol
Dead body sign up
Hehe you know good ole kachu im up for nething ^^ sign me up.
Well, if everyone can be ready on time, then this really should only take 30 min or so. But just in case we need to recruit folks, I've left in time allowances for that.
Vis Maior's Journeys
My big break!
The story of a small town girl who goes to Hollywood in search of movie. ^_^
I feel I'd be best suited for the role of dead body #3. It really shows the range in my acting ability.
bomb death = x_x
magic death = x_x
boss death = x_x
stupid party death = x_x
Look at the range!! I'm a legend in the making! heheh I'm in.
Bomb Death, brings new meaning to Badaboom!
You're a girl?! Me too!!