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I think its about time they gave drg a leg up makes me wanna lvl mine somemore its currently sitting at 35 ^^
Yeah, I saw this last week. I'm pretty excited. I've always like DRGs (even though I've personally never had much interest to level it myself).
In fact, at my level, I find I really enjoy DRGs in my parties. DRG past 65 is just so versatile. They can sub /WHM and be an incredible healer without all the hate (they just jump their hate away from healing). They can sub /WAR and be a great DD. They can also sub /THF and be a gonzo SATA dealer.
At 69 (what I am now... such a great level, no? :-) my favorite party setup is MNK (me), NIN/WAR, DRG/WAR, DRK/THF, SMN/WHM, RDM/WHM. We have more than enough healing and enfeebling, and we have tier 3 skillchains that mean we don't need any magic bursts (Dragon Kick -> Wheeling Thrust -> Blade: Ten -> Souleater/Last-Resort/SATA/Cross-Reaper -> Light/Darkness... over 2000 points of damage in less than 10 seconds :-)
So I am really happy this update is coming for DRG.
Vis Maior's Journeys
DRG Redemption!
We shall rise up! Can't wait!