Submitted by sam on Sun, 09/11/2005 - 21:37.
Well, we had a really great Garrison, guys! Thanks to all those who made it such a success. The pool is currently being sold off, and as soon as we have a final total we will let everyone know what it is. In this thread we will list those who participated and how we did. Read on for more.
If I get anyone's name spelled incorrectly, please let me know.
Garrison Participation
We did a total of six (6) Garrisons. We did five (5) in Valkrum Dunes and one (1) in Buburimu Peninsula. The following persons supplied the Garrison items and were thusly awarded with one free pick of Military gear during their Garrison item run:
- Raytien
- Malkier
- Arbelast
- Athrunzala
- Kashimu
- Valsery
As for the battles, the following is the grouping for all players who joined (bold is party leader):
- Kamustaka
- Athrunzala
- Arbelast
- Thersites
- Kashimu
- Lunamarie
- Raytien
- Tamara
- Xilldon
- Malkier
- Avatarx
- Maior
- Martamay
- Valsery
- Meretrix
- Dragonlance
- Kitchel
The following group of people played for the full night, e.g. all six battles (6/6):
Athrunzala, Arbelast, Kamustaka, Thersites,
Kashimu, Lunamarie, Raytien, Tamara,
Xilldon, Maior, Martamay, Valsery,
Meretrix, and Dragonlance
...or 14 people...
The following joined at the second battle and played for the remainder of the night, e.g. played for five battles (5/6):
The following joined after the third battle and played for the remainder of the night, e.g. played for three battles (3/6):
The following joined for the final battle, e.g. played for one battle (1/6):
What was dropped?
Each battle had two Dragon Chronicles (so a total of 12 dropped). Several Mannequin feet and legs dropped throughout the night (I am reasonably certain everyone who was there for two or more battles got at least one of these). Of the big ticket Military items, several Military Harps and Picks dropped into the pool.
All told, this pool should be larger than the pool from the last run, however we will have to wait untl everything sells to know exactly what the total gil to be distributed is.
Confusion over pool distribution
There was some slight confusion (nothing terrible) over the pool distribution scheme. Because of it, I will be writing some sort of clan policy guide which will precisely detail the distribution scheme and allow us to define other similarily complicated schemes in the future. Stay tuned for this guide.
Once again, thanks everyone for making this such a successful Garrison event!! :-)
Another note:
Remember to factor in the prices of the mannequin parts and/or military items when calculating your total profit~!~ ^_^
Ex. Military picks sell for roughly 350k +/-. Mannquin parts sell from 100k up to 800k, depending on what pieces your own.
Point being, when you calculate all of these items - this is very profitable, aside from being a good reason to get a large group of us together to have fun!
Oh yeah
Without a doubt.
From Garrison you can get any of the following *very desirable* items:
* Military Pick : 350k +
* Military Harp : 400k +
* Mannequin legs or feet: ~100k+
* Dragon Chronicles : 500-1500 EXP
And even the lesser Garrison items are nothing to sneeze at. I think the cheapest any Garrison item I've ever gotten has gone for is around 90k.
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