ClanAM FFXI is the website for the Clan of the Angry Monkey Linkshell community on the Phoenix server.
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Garrison this weekend
I have a Saturday free this coming 10th. So, I am planning on running a Garrison. Look for a post soon.
(Now, I haven't checked the current control, so here's hoping the two places we always go are under SOMEONE's control other than beastman :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
San d'Oria and Bastok
As of December 5th:
San d'Orian Clan Members need to farm for a trade item for Valkurm Outpost.
Bastok Clan Members need to farm for a trade item for Buburimu Outpost.
These two outposts always fill an evening so Windurst players are out of luck for farming for a trade item.
I will try to attend a Garrison on the 10th but this is a Finals week for me.
Also if Maior can fix my posting on this Forum for the Winter Festival (it lost its formatting) it would be much appreciated! =^_^=
I only have my feet atm so I need everything else. :(
Darkkit :)
I'm in
I only have feet as well. If there is anything I can do to help out, please let me know.